Monday, August 10, 2009

Perk up your morning...

We here at the Elliott household have been bitten by the bully bug. The bully bug manifests itself in lots of time on SoCal Bulldog Rescue, looking for bullies to adopt, reading training books, and dreaming up names for our future furry child.

Right now SCBR is sponsoring a contest for the most Ador-A-Bull bulldog in SoCal. If you click on the link, you will find HUNDREDS of owner-submitted pictures of Bullies.

DH and I spend an hour or so, going through. If you can look at pictures like this:
and not have a crazy smile on your face, well, you don't have the bully bug.
For a $15 donation, you get to vote on the bully pictures in various categories. The winners will be turned in a calendar and sent to all the voters.

You can't tell me that isn't the face of Miss March.

So go to SoCal Bully rescue and pick up a calendar. It'll lift your spirits AND it will help rescue bullies from shelters, provide care and homes to adoptable bullies, and in general, make the world just a little better.

And you get to look at puppies. Does life get any better?

1 comment:

Janetha @ meals + moves said...

oh my gosh!!! those photos are so adorable. thanks for posting, what a great cause!