Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I am obsessed with lists. I make lists for the day, for the week, for work, for the grocery, etc... I have a standing order with my office's supply room for three sizes of post-its (itty-bitty, regular, and humungo) whenever they re-order (which is a lot with 200+ employees). Obsessed I tell you.

Which is why I am SO excited to check the mail this week for these babies:

It's hard to see on this list but the bottom corner has an area that says "If all else fails, takeout from here:" HAHA
I am SO excited about a packing list. I make one for every trip (OCD) and this one will make it a snap.

All are $9.95 from Lobotome

1 comment:

adozeneggs said...

I saw these in some shop in NYC, really cute.