Ok, so I need to quit my whining - the climbing gym was great. They have an auto-locking system for belaying which meant there was no chance that DH could fall and I would shoot up 10 feet from the ground as a counter-balance. Not that that has *cough* ever happened. Nooo.
Anywho, we went for 90 minutes and now I can't move my arms. Oh my, I am *exhausted.* It's not the same exhausted as on the treadmill. I'm bone-tired. Bone. Tired.
Let's put it this way - at our old gym in DC the very best climb I ever did was a 5.8. Rock Solid here in San Diego starts at 5.7. Oh Lord. Needless to say - we will be back.
Ok, this is a compete change of topic. One of DH's very best friends' son's first birthday is next week. We wanted to send a Padres sweatshirt to the little tyke. As that DH and I have very little (or no) experience buying childrens clothing, it was very confusing.
What the heck is a "T" size? Toddler? How old is a toddler? What the heck? The clothes were like "12 months," "18 months," "2T," "4T," etc... We didn't want to get him the 12 months size because he'll outgrow it very fast. Is a 2T for a two year old? Who knows...
We ended up buying a 2T sweatshirt because it was the same size as the 18 month old tshirts. Did we make a strategic mistake? Will it be ginormous on the kiddo? Honestly...between the two of us, we have a BA, an MSSc, a BS, and a PhD and we couldn't figure out a simple shopping trip. Oi veh... How parents do this stuff, I'll never know...